"Komorebi" is a Japanese phrase that signifies a state of mind and a philosophy of life. When sunlight filters through the leaves or branches of trees, it is obstructed and diffused, forming a colorful dappled pattern of light and shadow, both picturesque and poetic. We created this ambiance by introducing abundant greenery and light from outside the windows, with a vision of an environment imbued with natural atmosphere and dappled sunlight– “Komorebi”.
With a limited space of 30 pings as the foundation, we subtly accommodated the functionality and comfort required for a family of four. Employing minimalist design, we eliminated excessive decoration to maximize the potential of the space, making it more practical and open. By using objects that do not reach the ceiling or touch the floor, we maintain visual coherence across the rooms. We reduced the thickness and quantity of the visible iron panels, ensuring a smoother overall visual effect without compromising usability.
reservoir silt paint, and hardwood flooring, to echo the outdoor environment and create a naturally warm atmosphere. These materials not only offer rich textures but they also eschew intricate decorative elements, allowing the space to have an easy dialogue with nature.
We've transformed this limited indoor space into a place imbued with natural elements and a cozy ambiance, blending the outdoor greenery with the indoor environment. This fusion creates a balanced and harmonious atmosphere, allowing residents to experience genuine domestic warmth and tranquility within their home, making it a perfect sanctuary for living.