Casa Mille unfolds within the 1930s extension of a historic 19th-century palace belonging to the Counts Callori family, in what used to be the Count's artisan workshop and the former stables in the outdoor garden. Only the kitchen is the only room created inside the building's nineteenth-century sleeve.
The history of the property has provided one of the most florid design strands of contents and atmospheres to all the design: the living room was created in the Count's artisan workshop, influencing the choice of an industrial floor in helicopter concrete. The stage instead reflects the historical soul of the house and invades the contemporary part with an industrial finish with an asymmetrical cut.
To balance the more informal part of the industrial part, the choice fell on a contemporary and iconic design, through the use of American walnut in custom furnishings and textured and textured upholstery, softening the hard character of the helicopter concrete floor and making the flavor of the whole most welcoming project.
The materials in each room chase and contrast, enhancing each other also in the finishes: all the wood has a gloss component that makes it shiny and reflective as opposed to the more opaque and matt finishes of the laminates and lacquers and fabrics.