The sand of Playa Santa Teresa Costa Rica marks the limit between the project and the environment, the sound of the waves is the music of the place and a constant that fills the project with life, people dye the place with color as they come and go. where the house waits by the sea to marvel those who pass by it.

The house with its views oriented towards the pool in the central patio and the beach on its main façade denote the mimicry of the project on the site, at the moment that the pool seeks to merge with the sea in the delicate infinite effect that it has by being located in the same horizon.

A horizontal set of simple prisms with black covers and wooden details as a border of their different heights frame the horizon that it shares with the sea, floors that evoke white rocks and small gardens tucked between the walls make a metaphor of a natural environment, a compact house Multifunctional almost playful that takes the link between the sea and the sand as a game is what gives essence to this project.