The Construction Cabin on tour is a temporary nerve-centre for experiments, workshops, performances, talks, walks, discussions, debates and artist surgeries. During its fifteen nomadic months the Stedelijk Museum will roam the capital. To meet and chat with the locals, and confront them with visual art and design.
After a four-year sojourn, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam endend its temporary occupation of the Post CS-building. On Tuesday 30 September the last tickets were sold. And, once the doors have closed, the museum took to the streets of Amsterdam in a project entitled Stedelijk in the City. This artistic version of a Construction Cabin, took the museum’s fresh, innovative programme to the streets.
The base of the construction cabin is a black box, which will open up to the environment on location. The big “shiny eye” will reflect its surroundings- the cabin will adapt itself to the environment.