Dab-pa is named after a beautiful scenic area in Chengdu. this restaurant is missioned to land on the busiest (statistic-wise) shopping arcade in Hong Kong- New Town Plaza, intended to provide their unique recipe of Sichuan cuisine to its customer. Designed by Minus Workshop, their concept story leads this quiet corner of the mall to become a popular topic of the town.

The shop is shaped like a cell form and it’s located at the ground floor, an unbright corner of the mall. However, owning the special characteristic that sited near the communal passage with a blast of daylight and garden decor. This makes Kevin Yiu – founder of Minus Workshop to brought up the concept story of “a surprise journey to the oriental garden”, targeted to create interconnectivity between the outdoor and indoor, style it to look like a garden from the outside rather than a shop from the inside. Approached to let the passersby to discover surprises under a sense of understated timelessness.

Under such master concept, Yiu invited the local greenery fanatic - Botanic Union to team up and develop deep to make greenery art well blended into the space. With the interior, Yiu wants the visitor to discover the small sensation that people would notice when visiting a Chinese garden. Just like the sensibility when sitting in a pavilion, visuality of lawn layers, bridge transitory, tactile impression of pebble, sculptural greenery, feelings under the tree shade, etc.