This elementary school for special needs was designed for teaching as close to normal as possible. To be able to teach both younger and older children, and children with internalising and externalising disorders, these climates are smartly separated from one another. There are 6 clusters with each their own entrance and own square. Internally the other functions can be reached from each cluster without having to cross the other clusters. The stimuli presented to the children are thus minimised. This is also shown in the use of colours: comforting colours for interior and exterior. Due to the limited location space part of the square is also used as a pick-up point for passenger vans taking children to and from school. This double use lowers the traffic level in the neighbourhood significantly.
This is a project by Daniël Biesheuvel while working at Jorissen Simonetti architecten.
photos: Luuk Kramer en Pierre Crom
size: 5000 m2 programme: elementary school, 36 classrooms, 2 gymnasia client: Stichting BOOR
contractor: Van Wijnen bouwbedrijf engineers: LBP sight and De Blaay-Van den Bogaard Raadgevende Ingenieurs B.V structional engineer: Pieters Bouwtechniek building fysica: LBP sight