BAG Beyond Architecture Group, the architecture group with headquarters in Rome famous for straw bale houses, at the Music Festival "Frammenti" Frascati has created a temporary installation in the Archaeological Park of Tusculum.
Wanted by the "Semintesta" Frascati, we can call it "experimental furniture". Having to reflect on the theme of space as a desired place, BAG chose the form of an astronomical observatory overthrown, even for a parallel with the existing Observatory of Tusculum. What better time to reflect on the space if not the moment when, at night, look at the sky and the stars?
The team, led by architect Paolo Robazza of BAG, has recovered the material necessary to the realization of the structure to 120 used pallets. Disassembled pallets, in addition to wood, were reused even the nails! The installation consists in fact of so many strips of wood placed one over the other in a circular form, irregularly. This creates a heterogeneous distribution of the cracks, the outside leaves only glimpse what's inside. Just enough to convince you to come in! Some beautiful colorful hammocks placed at different heights, hanging from the edges of the structure, reversing the idea of solitary thinker comfortably lying on a hammock, make reflection a collective experience. A chance to be comfortable and get lost in the observation of galaxies listening to music.