Guggenheim Museum

Guggenheim Museum

Helsinki is home to a number of prominent museums, and is recognized by its design district.

The cityscape comprises a range of architectural styles, from neoclassicism to Art Nouveau and the contemporary architecture of Alvar Aalto. This design concept for the Guggenheim Helsinki Museum is an attempt to respond to this city and respect this renowned architect.

The site for Guggenheim Museum is an urban space of great national and cultural significance. The aim is to create a public space that both welcomes new visitors and also serves as a key cultural destination for the community. The design responds to this context in a holistic way by creating a MUSEUM LOOP, which connects all the museums of Helsinki into a closed circuit terminating into a plaza. The museum acts as an important link to bind the past and future of art. The idea is to shape the city into a unique maze of museums forming an interface between the water and the greens. The design ventures into the city, creating this large plaza in the Tähtitorninvuorenpuisto; the observatory park. The plaza forms an apex directing the tourists to various museums in the city.

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