The etymology word for the church is ecclesia in Latin, which means those who are called-out. And the Bible says, in the New Testament Book of Ephesians (Chapter 1), "…. the church, which is His (Christ’s) body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." Thus it is wrong to understand the church as a building, and there is no prototype or typical model of the church.
Calling out is to expel oneself out of the boundary of the world. Perhaps it seems that Jesus Christ was called-out and expelled himself by himself out of the boundary of the world to immortalize himself. It seems that Christians are those who imitate the life of Christ (Imitatio Christi).
Although martyrdom is the supreme act of faith, those who are not able to do so are to imitate Jesus in order to live a life of Christian poverty, chastity, and obedience, abandoning greed, envy, and lust of the world. As it is nonsense that the church is the only place where the omnipresent God resides, the church should not be the house of God, but the house of those who have been called-out, and who have been exiled from the desires of the world. So, it will be natural that the church, which houses those people, should be made of only essence and of the simplest form. Paul Valery said that there is nothing as mysterious as clarity.
The essence of the church is a clear and simple space, the home of those who want to be free within truth.
Located in Hayang, a secluded village with a beautiful name meaning “riverine sunshine,” the church is only 50 square meters in area. It is a very small size church in a rural village but good enough to express the essence of the church. A brick company offered red bricks for free, and all the construction work was done only with bricks. In its simplest form, it creates the clearest space and light.
The words that there is nothing as mysterious as clarity could be realized here. The space that is not enough has been complemented by the outdoor chapel. This place has become a place of communion where people in the neighborhood can easily come and renew their communal life.