The Cazères sixth-form college houses a multidisciplinary college for 1,100 students, equipped to provide general and technicalteaching, with a ‘Ceramic arts’ professional qualification. On the campus it will house several separate functions organised andlinked by the external spaces. The day-college teaching building, facing onto the entrance area, houses the general teaching facilities,administration, college life and a ‘creative projects’ area that can open outside of school hours. Installed on the ground floor,ceramics teaching is organised around courtyards with studios, throwing rooms, storage and kilns to communicate the different techniques and skills of this local craft. Along the playground, on the northern edge of the site, is a canteen with cooking facilities,and a residential building for live-in students with, on the ground floor, foyer and sports facilities.
Material Used :
1. Technal - External openings
2. Rockfon - Acoustic ceilings
3. Knauf - Hanging acoustic panels
4. Woodenha - Wood cladding treatment by flame retardant
5. Topakustik - Topperfo wood acoustic panels
Client Région Occitanie / SLP Midi-Pyrénées - ARAC
Lead architect : Séquences architecture et urbanisme
partner : Marc Pirovano
project manager : Pascale Lécumberry
team : Gabrielle Ovinet, Anne-Marie Latuille, Basile Pechberty, Leire Linazasoro, Séverine Belmon, Cécile Devemy
Associate architect : Fontaine & Malvy
partner : Benoît Malvy
team : Christophe Boyer
acoustics, thermics wood structure : TPFI
sustainable development : F4 Ingenierie
cost control : Fontaine & Malvy + TPFI
interior design : Séquences architecture et urbanisme
BIM manager : Keyros
landscape designer : Stéphanie Bordone