The project, beside giving content to the program of a medical doctor's office, tries to generate a dialog between the interior of the building and the public space that surrounds it, having in it counts the sun and the spaces of privacy of the consultations.
With the volumetric game between the ground floor and the first one, one seeks to mark and to delimit the zone of access, generating a porch and, in turn, to provide to I build of the well-deserved character of municipal equipment.
In the ground floor there develops the whole program that gives service to the patient, since they are the consultations and the offices. In the first plant there are located two bedrooms, a kitchen and a lounge of the operatives who work at night.
The consultations are connected between them and arranged so that in a future they could be extended it was doing the garden that stays in the southern part. These consultations are orientated towards the court of olive trees that works as filter between the Doctor's office and the housings of to the side.
The intention is that the new building passes to form a part of the public square, reorganizing and revaluing the playgroud and the existing green spaces.