M.Y. Village Baptist Church has a small congregation located right next to Shuinan redevelopment zone. First floor houses the auxiliary space, second and third floor being the main auditorium and its mezzanine seating area. The fourth floor is the pastor's residence.
"A light for the Gentiles" serves as the concept beyond the spatial design of the church. The site is at the intersection with west and south facing that exposes to plenty of sun lights. The west facade is mainly solid with punched windows and slanted walls to bring in indirect lights through colored glass on each opening. Thus, the main auditorium is immersed in an aura similar to that of the chapel in Ronchamp by Le Corbusier. Behind the south facade is the main stairs leading to the auditorium above, where a two-story vertical colored glazing and a skylight welcomes the morning sun as the worshipers ascending to their hall of faith and happiness.
Material Used:
1. Exterior-Exposed fine aggregate finish
2. Openning-Tinted colored glazing
3. Flooring-Gray granite 654,wooden-grain ceramic tile