This house was planned for parents and two children, to live in a comparative old residential area on a hill in the north part of Hiroshima. The site is open to the east and commands a view of mountains beyond a valley town. Demands of the client were: to take their old age life in view, to take full advantage of the eastern view, to have good ventilation, to keep their life quiet even when the surroundings changes.
When I first stood on the land, a rich green caught my eyes over neighbor houses. I considered how to show the scenery of the green and the sky behind the construction and how to take it in the view from the inside. Then immediately I got an idea that the construction should have a simple, flat silhouette, and I decided to put a light wooden house there. I repeated study to realize a simple, light frame, a construction holding a deep space which lasts long, and to link the scenery of the green and the sky with the residence.
In a flat, oblong construction I put a court-deck of a similar figure, and I opened it widely to the east scenery. The court-deck gives a vertical expansion to the low and flat space, passes the light from the south to each room, and links the eastern green scenery with the sky above. As the moon rises from the eastern mountains casting vertical light, the living room fuses with the court-deck being filled with moonlight and links to the mountain scenery.