Our design for these twin waterside residential towers, located on one of the world’s best sites, enhances Sydney’s striking skyline and builds upon the new spirit of urban regeneration in the city.The design is specifically born out of the city of Sydney, taking its inspiration and character from the elegant and ornate verandahs that typically adorn the local colonial-style houses.
As with the traditional buildings, the verandahs create a buffer between the inside and the outside, mitigating the effects of the onshore winds, providing shade from the summer sun and allowing openable windows at the higher levels of the building – not usually feasible in this location. In addition they provide valuable useable outside space within this city centre location.The two buildings are configured as vertical clusters of ‘sky villages’, breaking down the scale of the towers and creating an informal frontage onto the waterside.
Each sky village is individually serviced by tri-generation plant and grey and black water recycling.At street level, generous awnings reach out from the building to shade pedestrians, whilst at the building’s apex a glowing lantern shines out across Sydney Cove, balancing the strong architectural forms of the neighbouring Opera House and Harbour Bridge.