MAMO Good day factory wall
MAMO You have made an enquiry. You are looking for change, for innovation? You are not specific about what kind of change you are looking for or how much you are looking to spend, are you leaving the outcome to coincidence?
FACTORY WALL Yes. I live in an industrial estate in the Netherlands, I am 200qm big, of which I am 25m long and 13m high, my most favorite/preferred material is aluminum and I like digital photography, also what would you design here?
MAMO Industrial estates are very often forgotten places, a no-mans-land, away from cities and residential areas; it’s an island where only functionality is in the foreground. The place of creation, production, service, people friendliness, homophobia, noise, stench, dirt. Is it possible to see beyond that? And if so, what more would that be?
FACTORY WALL I have been representing our home-made products over the last 40 years, as I mentioned before my most favorite material is aluminum. I am looking for something more innovative.
MAMO The negative image of industrial estates is changing, not only old and abandoned fabric halls attract artists, creative people and alternative scenes, but also change in production itself has to be noticed. Production and the coercions that come with it hold new points of view, a new train of thoughts. New facades are created, a new layer of make-up applied, a new dress bought. What color, what form or function is the change supposed to entail?
FACTORY WALL Change my expectations.
MAMO We will fold a new red dress. Red, because the origin of your favorite material is Bauxite. Starting point of the form is the sandwich element. By folding we will extend the element and go to it’s limits. We will enlarge/expand the material structure, i.e. the seam, so you can feel the texture, fill it, touch it, smell it and capture it with all its senses. The transformation opens up new perspectives; you can walk past it, over it, underneath it, and have a glimpse behind the façade. A spacious element of the façade is created. We will adjust the dress till it fits and you can dance. you will be the projection surface for many associations: innovation, assemblage, motion, cloth, snapshots, surrealism, minimalism, red carpet, platform; with that you are opening up connotations such as: dreaming, flexible thinking, global thinking, change and taking it to the limits. In short, everything is possible with your material!