In Superstudio’s «Monumento Continuo» (1969-1971) identical and neutralized squares appear where any problem related to the quality of the space, to its destination and sensibility is excluded. This three-dimensional grid passes through the earth’s surface, crossing megacities, mountains and oceans: architecture is therefore reduced to a state of absolute neutrality.
Resuming the protocol strictness that Superstudio used to design the series of furniture «Misura» published by Zanotta in 1971, the Workshop proposes to traspose this action into predetermined habits/usages as direct extension of the Fundamental Acts published the same year.
8 fictions are presented to the students to open the debate on the issue of architecture as «the essence of human life».
Life Education Ceremony Love Dead Rest Debate Meal On a surface of 1,80x0,9m are everyday and ordinary life scenes.
No one spatial composition is defined to let the student finalize the space, according to the scenario that would be developed to respond the needs of his own fiction.
These surfaces are movable and can be liberally associated each other as they can exist independently. They will be moved in different contexts (Museum, Park, City), as free interpretable sensory surfaces.