Our project aims to simulate a 3D optical illusion facade, through a regular panels facade.
Technology potential offered by the Aludesign panels is clearly to be able to generate hyperreal images,simulacra of real images of any type, shape and size.
In our project, the factory facade must, however, express product potential in terms of color gradation andprecision of printing. Our project generates the surreal illusion of a complex geometry in the same regulartexture of the panels, which instead is constructed in a simple and regular way, without any constructionalcomplexity. In this way we can stimulate the interest and creativity of architects and designers to use theproduct, not only to generate simulacra of reality , but also to build new shapes that would be impossibleto achieve using other providers products.
In order to emphasize this quality of the product surface, the facade is placed with a gap of about onemeter from the real facade, matching completely real facade shape. In this way, looking at the factory fromdifferent points of view, you'll be able to appreciate the essence of illusion: you will not watch the facade ofa building but the innovative technology of the product itself.