Teatro Metropolitano means metropolitan theather, and is an historic theatre located in the Venetian city of San Donà di Piave. During the years, the building underwent – due to bombings at war times – a series of reconstructions and renovations that defined the final structure with the restoration works of 1951. The last restructuring activity of the theatre, venue of important plays and musical shows and at the service of citizens as cinema, took place in 2013. The works were coordinated by the internationally renowned architect Gonçalo Byrne, who chose to collaborate with Panzeri for the design of customized lighting fittings. Architect Byrne chose for the entrance lobby the product “One”, available as a standard in the ceiling or suspended version. However, the architect required a wall mounted fixture with double-emission of light, both upwards and downwards. Furthermore, the idea was to paint in gold the inner surface of the cylinder to soften the light, thus creating a comfortable and cosy environment. Therefore, Panzeri engineered and manufactured the custom-made fixture for this project, which was successfully installed in 2014. On top of this intervention, other fixtures were used to embellish the common areas of the theatre, including a custom-painted adjustable spotlight used for the main hall in front of the stage and several LED wall fixtures with indirect light – Tip and Tap – used in the hallways.
List of products: One, Tip, Tap, custom spotlights.