The brief was to design a middle class residential environmental building. The design should be used several times according to the urban plan and the apartment areas were set to be between 70 m2 to 160 m2. We considered all that in mind, at the same time, we thought beyond the brief trying to rethink several cultural requirements. We believe that our role was to solve problems such as distinguishing between culture classes, the apartment prices and the ability for each family to extend. Our design is simply a 20 storey building, each storey consisted of two 70 m2 apartment. Every apartment has the ability to extend vertically and horizontally even after the finish of the tower construction. The apartments could extend from 70 m2 into, 90, 110, 140, 210, 280 and 360 m2 in variety forms which meets the culture needs of all classes and, at the same time, create variation in building elevations so each tower is different from the other even though they all have the same structure.
The Extend-able Tower
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