PAVILION AS ORIENTATION FILTER Emerging from the bus, train or mall at Meridian Square, the visitor is disoriented in both space and time. While defining an edge of the Square, the Pavilion acts as a central filter that sets one's pace of movement. Foot traffic across the Square filters through the structure, and gathered information gives one a sense of orientation. Three paces of movement provide different levels of orientation and information. At the fast 'reflecting' pace, the Pavilion disseminates large scale information to masses of people. At the moderate 'filter' pace, one cuts through the Pavilion in both sight and movement. At the slow 'absorb' pace, one fully engages the Pavilion, waiting, interacting, buying, and ascending to the roof. The structural steel rib sections create program-specific spaces along its length. Towards the center, the sections become wider and the spaces larger as they are at a greater angle to the overall bar plan.
FAST PACE : Pavilion Re¬flects Movement Movement and sense of destination are re¬flected off the surface of the Pace Pavilion. The north-facing LED 'Solari' Departures board posts arrivals/departures, set in a PVB laminated insulated glass facade. Large-scale information disseminates immediate orientation. Movement is minimally impeded, as if reflected off the surface of the pavilion and on to one's destination.
MODERATE PACE : Pavilion Filters Movement Both the program and structure are oriented around two focal points at entrances to the bus and train stations. These grids filter the view through the Pavilion, visually connecting commuters between the two stations. A pass-through between the radial grids allows direct movement between the two terminals. During the Olympics, it serves as outdoor exhibit open to the public day and night. Facing the Great Eastern Road crossing, the freestanding information kiosk marks the eastern edge of the Pavilion but allows movement through Meridian Square.
SLOW PACE : Pavilion Absorbs Movement Stepping up into the Pavilion, the visitor is relieved from plaza currents. The awaiting passenger, suspended in time between connections, rests in the cafe, the exhibit space, or on the roof. Movement becomes lateral and raised above the Plaza level upon entering the Pavilion to create intimate spaces for exhibits (Olympic phase) and vendors (post-Olympic).