Archello Awards 2024 open for entry · Early Bird gets 25% off
Archello Awards 2024 open for entry
Early Bird gets 25% off
gianluca milesi architecture
gianluca milesi
gianluca milesi architecture
gianluca milesi architecture

gianluca milesi architecture

gianluca milesi architecture, Milan, New York Gianluca Milesi Principal Born in 1962, Gianluca Milesi lives and works in Milan and New York. He works with a multi-disciplinary, radical and artistic approach to architecture with a particular attention to the digital culture environment and technology. He collaborated with different firms in Europe and United States as well as Vittoriano Vigano’ in Milan and Peter Eisenman in New York. He developed and built, in Milan and in New York, several architectural projects for buildings, parks, interiors and works of research and experimentation in the digital environment and has participated in different international competitions with awards and publications. His work has been awarded and published in Italy, Europe, USA and Asia and exhibited internationally, including at the Venice Biennale 2000, at the Art of Italian Design in 2006, etc.. He taught at the Polytechnic of Milan and has been visiting critic at Pratt Institute and Columbia University in New York. Since 1997 his work is collected under the title science-architecture and since 2005 under the title gianluca milesi architecture. A solo exhibition: ‘Spaced Out, Gianluca Milesi, architectural exercises’, has been held at SESV (University of Florence) in Florence on May 2003. He is author of several articles for architectural magazines and of ‘New York the Gap’ a guide book on contemporary architecture in New York City published by Testo e Immagine and Marsilio Publishers. He is the curator of the architectural section of Mixedmedia, international Festival of Electronic Culture, Milan, May 2006. He is actually involved in the design and the construction of residential and industrial buildings. in commercial interior projects in Italy and in experimental projects and international architectural competitions. gianluca milesi architecture: ,
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gianluca milesi architecture Escritórios
gianluca milesi architecture Italy
0039 346 0908204
via Pancaldo 4, milano, Italy