

Goodseal (Pacific) Co,.Ltd is the leading brand for surface protection. Our company was established in 1998 by a group of engineers and chemists who are specialized in the construction industry. We take surface protection to another level. Every Goodseal products provide outstanding protection against water, coffee, oil, stain, dirt, and fungi for the surface meanwhile allowing the surface to breathe which is unique to only Goodseal’s products. One of our main philosophy is Goodseal always provide the best quality products for all from the precise and delicate

manufacture process to the superb after-sale service whether they are domestic

or international site.

Goodseal (pacific) Co.,Ltd has been trusted in Thailand by world-leading

architects and end-users for over decades because of our unique combination of

superior protection, and particularly the sustainability and aesthetically pleasing

the appearance of the surfaces. Our products have been used in Thailand

by architects, constructors, and end-users, particularly for stone, wood, concrete,

terracotta and terrazzo protections, the advantages of every Goodseal’s products is giving long-lasting protection against water, oil, dirt, stain, alkaline, weathering, and discoloration, plus the impact of algae, fungus, lichen, and mold.

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Dear Irving on Hudson
Surfacing Solution
University of Arizona Student Recreation Center
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MBB Architects
Office of Vivaldis
Jansen Wall Solutions
Office of Vivaldis
Jansen Wall Solutions
Office of Vivaldis
Jansen Wall Solutions
Office of Vivaldis
Jansen Wall Solutions
Office of Vivaldis
Jansen Wall Solutions
© Bill Timmerman
Frank Oudeman
Jeroen Verrecht
Jeroen Verrecht
Jeroen Verrecht
Jeroen Verrecht
Jeroen Verrecht
Goodseal Escritórios
Bangkok, Thailand
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