Aluprof SA belongs to the Capital Group Kęty SA. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of aluminium systems in Europe. The company has its branch offices in the Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Romania, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Hungary, Ukraine as well as in USA. With over 70 years of experience and annual sales revenues around 385 M EUR, Aluprof SA. has over 1,400 regular clients. Exports account for 40% of total sales. The company employs more than 2,300 employees. Aluprof SA manufacturing plants are located in Bielsko-Biała, Opole, Goleszów and Złotów, and have a surface area of over 220 K m², and a modern equipment. Product quality is a primary value for Aluprof, so the engineers of Aluprof are constantly developing technologically advanced solutions, meeting the needs of modern building industry in the field of energy efficiency and design flexibility. The company implemented the ISO 9001-2001 quality management system, which ensures compatibility of the offered products with European standards.

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