Archello Awards 2024 is open for entry · Submit your projects by August 31
Archello Awards 2024 is open for entry
Submit your projects by August 31
Bureau Bouwtechniek
Bureau Bouwtechniek

Bureau Bouwtechniek

Bureau Bouwtechniek Bureau Bouwtechniek was founded in 1995 by prof. arch. Jan Moens as the first firm in Belgium to offer technical support for building projects. Anno 2014 BB employs more than 50 architects and engineers and has worked itself up to the leading bureau in its field of activity. What makes their position in the building business unique is that they operate in close, custom-made partnerships with the designing architect. Activities BB annually supports an average of 280 projects going from supporting qualitatively high-standard architectural projects over technical renovation advise and assessments to elaborate advise on energy and building technique. Based in Antwerp, BB operates all over Belgium, often in international collaborations. Portfolio The portfolio of Bureau Bouwtechniek contains: the passive primary school Émile Bockstael in Brussels, (2007) Nimptsch Architekten (Cologne), the MAS in Antwerp (2000), Neutelings Riedijk Architecten (Rotterdam), the city hall in Montigny-Le-Tilleul (2010) and the cinema complex Sauvenière in Luik (2007), Architectenbureau V+ (Bureau vers plus de bien-être) (Brussels). Currently working on Currently BB is working on: La Fraineuse in Spa (2010), BauKunst (Brussels); the Queen Elisabeth hall in Antwerp (2012), Ian Simpson Architects (London); the Royal Museum for Fine Arts in Antwerp (2012), Kaan Architecten (Rotterdam); the New portal house in Antwerp (2009), Zaha Hadid Architects (London) and the new IT Labo’s and Datacentre of the university in Ghent (2010), evr-architects (Ghent).
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Bureau Bouwtechniek Offices
Bureau Bouwtechniek Belgium
0032 (0) 3 231 53 95
Kammenstraat 18, n/a, Belgium