Clark Door Limited
Clark Door Limited
Clark Door Limited

Clark Door Limited verified-mark

Clark Door Limited has recently celebrated 50 years of UK Manufacturing and is a leading innovator in the design, manufacture and installation of custom-designed, high-performance, acoustic, fire and security-rated doors.


Winner of the Queen's Award for Enterprise International Trade 2020 and the King’s Award for Enterprise: Innovation 2023, Clark Door Ltd has exported to more than 50 countries worldwide and is BS EN ISO 9001:2008 accredited.


The company is proud to have worked on projects such as: Royal Opera House (London), The Shed (New York), Royal Opera House (Muscat) and the Perelman Performing Arts Centre (New York). For more information, visit the Case Studies section at

Clark Door Limited Product
Clark Multigard®
Clark Multigard® Clark Door Limited
The Clark Multigard® is a high-specification security roller shutter door, certified by BRE to the latest issue of LPS1175 issue 8 (reference 106c...
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Inspiration in Windows and Doors

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adina. architektur
Stephan Offermann
Clark Door Limited Offices
Clark Door Limited
Unit F Central, Kingmoor Park, Carlisle, UK
Clark Door UAE
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Clark Door NYC
New York, NY, USA
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