

grupoDEArquitetura is an office that is organized around the idea of ​​sharing and collective work. Cristiana, the architect in charge, graduated from UEL in 1996, worked as a professor of the project chair at a local university since 2003, which is why she chose to do a master's degree at FAUUSP in 2007. In 2011, at the end of the master's course, emerges the desire to consolidate a group that could share reflections, experiences and work. The discussions and the contact that she already had established with his students during the disciplines she taught brought some students closer, Jacqueline and Lana were the ones that remained for the longest time, when then, in 2015, DEArquitetura group formalizes itself as an office and begins its journey in search of a production that could establish a theoretical-practical dialogue in the design exercise: an office driven by the experimentation and formation of cities, by the search for knowledge of technique and by the look that sees the beauty of things in the collective. Experiencing the city and the relationships that the individual can establish with it through the spatial experience generated by buildings and public spaces, knowing and experiencing the technique and appreciating art are the greatest desires of this group. Feeling the smell of neighborhoods, the sound, perceiving the behavior of people, the occupation of squares, streets and buildings, what exists on each sidewalk, its colors and lights, vital elements for architecture, are these nutrients of our architectural poetry. Architecture is living and experiencing, whatever the space and place, experiencing it, perceiving it and experiencing it will always be the best option.

Our Projects
grupoDEArquitetura Offices
R. Prof. Hugo Mielli, 338 - Vila Santa Helena, Presidente Prudente - State of São Paulo, Brazil