Storia per Flos CASA JL - Unlimited spaces that embrace nature Storia per CEADESIGN CASA JL - Unlimited spaces that embrace nature

JL House

Cinco Sólidos come Architecture and interior design

The beaty of mirroring its ownsurroundings.

The house is divided into 2V like structures that overlap an uneven terrain, each one composes the top and lower-level levels of the home. The lower structure connects the garage, utility room, and storage rooms through a closed corridor and then opens up to the kitchen, dining room and living area, and TV room. The space needed to feel transient, allow communication between the social areas whilst keeping a sense of intimacy in every space. Architectural elements such as the staircase become disruptors of the open space paths but also function as contemplative elements.

photo_credit Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
photo_credit Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave

A space designed to do disrupt the sensorial realm. Influence emotion and create connections with its context. Stripping down of any unnecessary elements that can contaminate its energy.

Furniture is placed throughout the space with meaning, creating a direct relationship between both.  A sense of raw materiality in the environment and objects that compose it, contrasts the tonal interiors with warmth and texture. This makes every room feel as a curated object collection that is not only purposeful but meaningful. Nothing should seem out of place; nothing should feel superfluous.

photo_credit Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
photo_credit Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave

Is it beautiful? Does it serve a purpose to the space it in habits? Does it influence the way people interact with the space? Does it establish a sensorial relationship with them? These are all questions that were consistently asked and looked for.

Asymmetry is intentional and repetitive throughout the entire home. Elements such as overlapped rugs would disrupt otherwise stiff compositions and structured architecture.

photo_credit Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
photo_credit Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave

The terrace has an outdoor living space that is embedded at ground level, avoiding any type of visual contamination from the interior view points, and sits beside a dinning and BBQ area. The dark pool becomes a natural mirror that changes throughout the day, creating reflections that contrast linear architectural structures with the organic, colorful aerial views.

The upper structure connects three bedrooms that overlook three completely different sceneries. Every bedroom is stripped down of all its unnecessary elements, and is proposed as a contemplation area for each scene. Wood and concrete contrast becomes a connecting theme between them.

photo_credit Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
photo_credit Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave

Architecture and interior design: Cinco Sólidos
Client: Jose Latorre
Video: Daniel Bedoya
Builder: SAM
Photography: Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave

photo_credit Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave
Nick Wiesner, Anna Dave

Casa JL

Flos come Produttori

High atop a hill overlooking Medellín, Casa JL represents a striking, sculptural approach. Framing stunning views, the architecture is enriched by light – by day, a sequence of lights and shadows; by night, its stark interiors are complemented by the skilled placing of Flos solutions.


The unique design of Casa JL exposes the Medellín mountains, its tropical vegetation, and its climate, reinforcing the connection between home and city. Since the main areas of the house are open to the exterior both physically and conceptually while the second floor is more private, lighting is an important factor in determining comfort and purpose. 


Light offers the chance to decide not only what should be illuminated but how. In addition to an aesthetic style that suits the architecture, the chosen luminaires highlight the other defining elements of the space and provide the desired overall warmth.


Weaving its way through the house with an almost invisible presence in the daytime, Micro Running Magnet is the perfect minimal, functional lighting solution to ensure the space and the view always take centre stage.


The combination of spotlights and general lighting creates an attractive play of light and shadow, emphasising and enhancing the different environments through the open spaces of the house.


The minimalist aesthetic of the Micro Running Magnet conceals extreme versatility, making it extremely easy to adapt and adjust the lighting schemes in this spectacular residence to suit the changing needs of a modern home.

CASA JL - Unlimited spaces that embrace nature

CEADESIGN come Bathroom and kitchen taps and outdoor shower

Un minimalismo austero che abbraccia la natura in cui è immersa, questo è focus su cui è stata progettata Casa JL, una spettacolare residenza firmata da 5 Sólidos, oltre mille metri quadrati che dominano la città di Medellín in Colombia.

photo_credit Nick Wiesner
Nick Wiesner

Distribuito su due livelli, il volume dinamico della residenza presenta un’anima in cemento grezzo mitigato dal sapiente utilizzo di materiali come legno e vetro. Al piano terra, le aree comuni comprendono un ampio soggiorno, una sala da pranzo con cucina e un living con sala cinema. L’area comune a pianta aperta è progettata per sembrare transitoria, consentendo la comunicazione tra i diversi spazi sociali pur mantenendo un senso di intimità.

photo_credit Nick Wiesner
Nick Wiesner

Nelle zone bagno trova collocazione la rubinetteria CEA delle collezioni GIOTTO e OPUS in acciaio inossidabile finitura satinata. Anche qui il connubio tra acciaio, pietra e legno, matericità tattile e calore, detta lo stile che si basa su un’eleganza severa e su una palette dalle cromie neutre.

Le grandi vetrate e il verde che sconfina all’interno dello spazio abitativo ribadiscono la totale appartenenza della struttura architettonica al suo habitat naturale. La terrazza esterna, che si colloca affianco alla zona pranzo e barbecue, è stata progettata a livello del suolo come un proseguimento delle aree interne. Qui la piscina, che si estende per tutta la lunghezza dell’edificio, diventa uno specchio naturale che cambia con il trascorrere della giornata. La doccia da esterno in acciaio inox satinato si erge fra le mille righe delle pareti del rivestimento in teak.

photo_credit Nick Wiesner
Nick Wiesner

Architettura – 5 Sólidos
Crediti fotografici – Nick Wiesner

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Crediti Progetto
Bathroom and kitchen taps and outdoor shower
Architecture and interior design
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