Departamento BC1
Santiago Heyser

Departamento BC1

ARTCH come Architetti di Interni

When going around this project an evident narrative is found, but requires attention to the different details to be unveiled. The social space is the core of all the settings and its primary aim is to be the gathering and integration point for the family.

photo_credit Santiago Heyser
Santiago Heyser

The view towards the sea possesses a magic that requires always a special treatment, the handling would seem obvious, but requires a great deal of experience in projects with this kind of location. The vast majority of the spaces enjoy the views and open not only towards the interaction with the blue horizon, but with the whole context. 

photo_credit Santiago Heyser
Santiago Heyser

The use of ebony and oak wood for covering, furniture and woodwork stands out creating an envelope that welcomes and embraces everyone within this space. Extent and flexibility were combined to reach an integral atmosphere to be enjoyed in every situation.

photo_credit Santiago Heyser
Santiago Heyser

The match between the black and white marbles with the neutral shades of the color palette, greet the different accents of the golden elements as well as the attractive suspended lamps. In the bedrooms wallpaper was used to emphasize the necessary warmth for the private zones as well as acoustic comfort.

photo_credit Santiago Heyser
Santiago Heyser
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