Urban Power


URBAN POWER come Architetti

Wooden, green-roofed housing, with a focus on community, Hamar Hills creates homes for a range of family types, while design-wise combining and morphing the area’s existing typologies into one. Each complex contains a common room dedicated to accommodate either crafting workshops or social gatherings, allowing for the residents to take ownership of their space and interact with each other.


Designed to be socially and environmentally sustainable, the buildings will encompass row houses, small starter homes and apartments with exciting indoor-to-outdoor features like roof-top balconies, loggias and common terraces. The buildings are embraced by the interlaying park planted with trees and wild vegetation, while rainwater is collected by the stream of water running through and binding the area together with the surroundings. The park paths furthermore promotes pedestrian and bicycle traffic, creating safe and enjoyable green spaces for leisure activities, playing and sports.

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