Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre

Hotel Sin Nombre

Root Studio come Architetti

A relaxing ambiance with touches of artisanal sophistication, watched over by the majestic vernacular architecture of a 17th-century colonial mansion house: this is Hotel Sin Nombre, a haven offering an authentic and comfortable experience away from the hustle and bustle of the main square of one of the best-known destinations in Mexico.

photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre

Among the columns, arches and flagstone floors that receive guests in the central courtyard, an avant-garde spirit emerges with Arabic touches that invite relaxation and sensory delight among handmade rugs, delicate cushions and details that highlight Oaxaca’s artisan traditions.

The contemporary design and genuine minimalist elegance are the work of the architect João Boto Caeiro, who is responsible for the methodical and respectful restoration of the original structure, rooted in principles of sustainability and conservation of traditional skills, including ancient processes for preparing paint from charcoal, lime and ground clay.

photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre

The vaulted ceilings, central staircase and walls were all treated as canvases for labor of the Oaxacan master craftsmen, as well as to frame works by visual artists such as the photographer Alberto “Negro” Ibáñez, present in black-and-white images of nudes in the rooms and public areas; works by painter and sculptor Carlito Dalceggio, whose talent is expressed in two interventions; the work of Dr. Lakra exhibited in the Cantinita; and three metal sculptures by Italian sculptor Fulvio Capurso installed on the terrace, their silhouettes outlined against the horizon.

photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre

At Hotel Sin Nombre the spaces present an ethereal sobriety emphasized by a harmonious play of light and shadow, appreciated in all 18 rooms, which have also been meticulously decorated with furniture in tropical hardwoods from certified sawmills, antiques, and snow-white bedding that contrasts with the hand-embroidered textiles.

photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre

Architect: Root Studio
Interior design: Elliott Coon and Root studio
Photography: Hans Valor, HS Foto, Lexus Gallegos, Courtesy of Hotel Sin Nombre

photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
photo_credit HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre
HS Foto for Hotel Sin Nombre

Material Used:
1. Facade cladding: Painter with line with asses and black pottery dust with tradicional line, wood doors, wrought iron in balcony, iron windows
2. Flooring: Cement tiles, cantera (green stone of Oaxaca), wood
3. Doors: Tropical woods (Nopo, Guanacaxtle, Pucte)
4. Windows: Held iron hand made, traditional wood
5. Roofing: Wood, black polished cement pool, tradicional fabrics, pottery and local plants, 18th century iron dome
6. Interior lighting: old recycled lamps in patio, iron hand made, neon arts
7. Interior furniture: Tropical wood (Nopo) in beds, tables, chairs, local Oaxacan carpets, traditional fabrics, recycled sofas, old piano, iron bar, recycles wood of railway in reception, arts neons, net mirrors, Moroccan carpets,  endemic plants, paint walls by Carlito Dalceggio

photo_credit Hans Valor for Hotel Sin Nombre
Hans Valor for Hotel Sin Nombre
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