Schneider&Schneider Studio designed this project for the city of Zofingen,Switzerland. It consisted in building accommodation and a nearby church. Thecomplex has been thought to be in harmony with the local urban environment andinserted in a green zone, which turns this area into a peaceful oasis.
The concept for the New-Apostolic church was re-elaborating holy architecturalclassical elements in a modern way and creating a place where focus on ownprayers only, in a kind of isolation from external world.The main feature of this religious building is the particular work made with light,spread through big glass windows realized with vitreous mosaic tesserae fromSicis. In this project, Glimmer Collection has an essential role for both beautyand functional, perceptive and symbolic lighting aspects.
The unusual application of this material, gives to the panes an innovative andcontemporary interpretation of ancient artistic glass windows generally seen oncathedrals and abbeys.The blue and green mosaic tesserae combination permits having different lighteffects during the day, not being intrusive and becoming an essential element ofthe life in the structure.
Sicis Glimmer is a line of transparent glass and mineral tesserae with iridescentsurface finish, available in 29 colors. Laying out a mosaic covering with thesecharacteristics donates something reminiscent of certain bodies of water, wherethe superficies tension remembers a play of rainbow-like colors, which changewith the bright and the direction of your glance.