Cooledge has combined its lighting expertise, technology, and innovation to emulate the canopy of light we call the sky by delivering a lineup of simple FABRICated Luminaires for virtually every ceiling as well as a range of Specialty Illumination Solutions for applications where an even larger scale is desirable.
There has been a lot buzz about circadian lighting in the past few years but the reality is that there are still many unanswered questions about specific physiological benefits and the best way to implement solutions.
What is not in doubt, is that illumination does have a significant impact on how people experience indoor spaces. Studies have shown that the right lighting can positively impact a shopper’s emotional response, an office worker’s productivity, or a long term care resident’s health. A common theme is the need to create environments that have the ability to adapt to the needs of the users including emulating the natural canopy of light that we are missing 90% of the time.
In order to achieve this goal, the ambient lighting must deliver all of the characteristics of “immersive illumination” which is comfortable, uniform, flicker free, tunable and dimmable light delivered on the scale of nature.