Minacciolo attended again at Cersaie fair, the international exhibition of ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings from 24th to 28th September. Minà & Natural Skin collections was exposed at the event The Sound of Design, collective exhibition entirely dedicated to the Italian Style excellence developed by Arch. Angelo Dall’Aglio and Arch. Davide Vercelli.
This year event iwas inspired by the music showing how music and design can overcome the time. The Sound of Design exhibit was divided into sets, each one differently fitted: the intention didn’t want to be nostalgic but it was a pretext to show the ductility and the timeless of the design of new products displayed in the sets.
Inside its set, developed by Arch. Nicola Stangherlin, Minacciolo presented a Natural Skin kitchen in a new unrevealed copper ‘skin’.