NI, is a brand new and innovative garden parasol tailored for the luxury class, suitable for both day and night time use. During the day, it will keep you cool and under the shade. Then at night, the NI transforms into a beautiful lighting torch for your garden while you entertain your guests. NI is an environmental friendly designed product and uses 0.1W LEDs integrated with a proprietary controller circuit to provide you 3 channels of lighting.
'NI' is user-friendly product, the minimalist design OTD (One-touch dimmer system) is a proprietary-designed finger-sensing touch panel that allows you to control the light making it extremely easy to dim and brighten the 3-channel lighting system. The 3-channel control system consists of two channels of downward light ribs and one channel of upward light ribs, all controlled separately. The down-light ribs uses colour temperature of 1800K LED candle light colour making it easy on the eyes at night time. The up-light ribs uses colour temperature of 2200K warm light colour setting the perfect mood for your guests at night. Being environmental friendly, the total power consumption of the NI system only equals that of three 60W incandescent light bulbs while providing a much brighter lit area. NI uses a low voltage 12V LED output driver to power a system of over 2000 pieces 0.1W LEDs but generating very little heat. When the NI is closed, it system can be kept ON acting as a beautiful light torch for the garden. NI is a one of a kind parasol system that will set the trend in the market for years to come.