The Teslagraff series of designs by Art Donovan combine the aesthetics of antique technology with multiple means of illumination for residential or commercial contract purposes.
By using combinations of compact fluorescent bulbs, high intensity LED and antique decorative bulbs in Models #1 and #3, a very flexible form of lighting is achieved. The lamps are suspended by either a ceiling medallion-or- mounted onto a wall and suspended by an armature projecting form the wall plate. They provide a razor sharp, round spot illumination when aimed at a wall: 3 ft. in diameter at a 3 ft. distance. The additional bulbs act as wall washers and provide the ambient light and color balance of the CFL and incandescent bulbs. The lamps may be suspended at any height.
The matte hardwood and metal finishes are a contemporary counterpoint to the antique device imagery. The bold configurations, exposed, braided wiring and heat sinks give the impression of scientific contraptions in progress. Not overly refined production models, but rather prototypes whose hand made form takes a back seat to their function.
Since the lamps are made by hand to order, any color or finish combination is possible, as is the ability to scale up the dimensions as desired.
photos: art donovan ©2013 donovan design, ny