Who does not know the problems when retrofit of old buildings: old sub-floors are worn out or even damaged - a new floor builds up in height and under certain conditions collides with door and window sills. An additional underfloor heating is unimaginable here … .
The new effidur floor systems solve this problem. The combination of steel and screed makes it possible. The principle: two preformed steel sheets that are firmly connected to each other form a honeycomb shaped panel, which are fit as interlocked floor area and connected to each other via click system. The warm water pipe is placed within this „honeycomb”. Once the panels are fit, they are simply backfilled with the associate screed. Hereby a screed overlap of only 5 mm is necessary. Expressed in numbers, this means a build-up height of only 15 mm including screed instead of 65 mm as for a conventional underfloor heating.
The midget when it comes to build-up height becomes a giant in heat allocation. The heat conductivity of the steel sheets, that are fit in direct contact with the heating pipes, is excellent. The screed overlap above the panels is extremely small. Combined this is twice an advantage: Because the effidur systems are easily and quickly controllable similar to a radiator, instead of the well-known slowness of an underfloor heating. An ideal homogeneous heat spreading is already noticeable after 10 minutes. The low flow temperatures enable the use of condensing boiler technology and renewable energies. Due to the excellent controllability of the effidur systems the overheating of rooms is avoided and this way heating costs are saved.
The innovative combination of steel sheets and high-class screed allows the use of the systems for traffic loads of up to 500 kg/m².
Besides private house building, the effidur floor systems are applied for the refurbishment of listed buildings as for example the Royal Palace of Dresden, numerous churches in Germany and abroad as well as in kindergartens, schools, museums and similar.