Venetian Blue is a Solar Pool Heating System that looking from the ground up appears to be coloured, however, from a bird’s eye viewit is actually predominantly black. This creates a system that is not only attractive, it is also efficient, maintaining the systems heating efficiency.
Fully coloured Solar Pool Heating Systems do blend into the roofs surface, however, the systems overall heating efficiency is severely compromised. Additionally, full colours tend to break down relatively quickly. A coloured system will need approximately 60% MORE roof coverage than a black system in order to attain similar heat efficiency. Boss Polymer Technologies(located in Melbourne, Australia), has used State-of-the-Art Co-Extrusion techniques* to overcome these issues andmanufacture a visibly coloured, but predominantly black solar system, that simply disappears on your roof.
Venetian Blue is extruded with a coloured stripe, (to match the desiredroof colour)placed at the perfect angle, so that from the ground you see the illusion of full colour, whilst the sun’s rays are absorbed by the predominantly Black Solar System; providing the Ultimate Illusion of a coloured system that actually absorbs the sun’s rays.
Venetian Blue is co-extruded with a distinctive blue inner tube and specialised matt black outer tube, providing the maximum advantages of the two materials, specifically designed for purpose. This results in a Solar Collector that provides efficiency, effectiveness, aesthetic appeal and durability at an extremely affordable price.
The Coloured Venetian Stripe Provides:
• The Ultimate Colour Illusion • Maximum Colour Retention, and • Excellent UV Resistance
Whilst the Inner Blue Material Provides:
• Superior Chemical Resistance • Enhanced Resistance to Flex Fatigue, and • Enhanced Thermal Conductivity