A&I Coatings is supplying water borne steel coatings for the 2014 refurbishment of the Macquarie Bank building at 48 Martin Place, Sydney. The new glass atrium, designed by Johnson Pilton Walker architects and constructed by Brookfield Multiplex, will provide natural lighting to the renovated interiors below. The fluoropolymer coating applied to the steel fabrication will ensure a great looking finish well into the future.
The coating system was… Abrasive blast clean to Class 2.5 Envirophos 2300 Zinc Phosphate Primer 75 microns Enviroset 2100 MIOX Epoxy Primer 200 microns Enviroflon 8480 Fluoropolymer Topcoat 60 microns
A & I Coatings ENVIROFLON 8480 is a unique, environmentally friendly two pack water borne fluoro modified two pack acrylic polyurethane with excellent graffiti and chemical resistance. E8480 displays excellent UV resistance, good application properties and is very low in VOC’s.
“It is reasonably estimated that the cost of repairing inadequately protected coated steelwork once it is installed on site is roughly ten times the cost of preparing and coating it in the factory initially. In other words it is much cheaper to do it right the first time.”
The friendly team at A&I Coatings are eager to help with specifications, samples, low VOC certificates for GreenStar projects and advice regarding the best systems for meeting specific requirements.
A&I Coatings +612 4869 1441 www.aicoatings.com.au 1800 819 585