Nestled amidst the lush greenery of the Dijkzone along the Waal river in Nijmegen, LOYD is an ensemble of three buildings housing a total of 78 stunning new-build apartments. The buildings are staggered in height and increasing in size, creating a harmonious and spacious feel. Situated on an artificial mound, LOYD offers breathtaking views that stretch across the Waal river, the historic city centre of Nijmegen, an old orchard, and Fort Beneden-Lent.
Each apartment boasts a generously proportioned living room with expansive windows and a spacious balcony, providing multiple delightful spots to savor both the interiors and the surrounding environs. Nature's presence is deeply felt throughout the day and across all seasons. Residents can also connect with each other and immerse themselves in the verdant surroundings in the communal flower garden and patio.
LOYD exudes elegance through its luxurious materials and grand gestures. The ceramic balcony railings accentuate the horizontal lines of the architecture, blending seamlessly with the surrounding landscape of dikes and the river. The façade is crafted from sustainable bamboo with a textured finish, creating a playful interplay of light and shadow throughout the day. Large glass windows framed in bronze anodised aluminium panels flood each apartment with an abundance of natural light.
LOYD's flexible design caters to diverse future uses. While currently designated for residential purposes, each of the three buildings can be independently repurposed due to the flexible layouts per floor and the individual lifts from the underground parking garage per building.
Sustainable assembly and material choices ensure the ensemble's enduring resilience. The ceramic balcony panels are dry-mounted, making them easy to replace. The bamboo, a fast-growing sustainable grass, holds the highest environmental classification (A-label) and is CO2-neutral throughout its lifespan. Solar panels power the lighting of the common areas. The surrounding flower garden and patio are accessible to all residents. The specially selected fruit trees, shrubs, and flowers, along with the 246 birdhouses in the patio and bamboo facades, transform LOYD into a truly nature-inclusive design teeming with rich biodiversity.