As the Carnegie Museum of Art has expanded over the years, their trash, recycling, and receiving facility ended up in a less than ideal location: at a highly visible and utilized courtyard and entrance for the Museum of Art, the Natural History Museum and the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
Our solution—an elegant envelope—comes from a combination of metal and translucent panelling, which complements both the Carnegie Institute’s original 1907 Romanesque building and the 1970 Scaife Gallery addition designed by Edward Larrabee Barnes.
Illuminated at night, the enclosure becomes a glowing backdrop for the Museums’ many VIP and community events.
Material Used:
1. Aluminum bonded honeycomb panels- Paneltec Corporation
2. Fiberglass bonded honeycomb panels- Paneltec Corporation
3. High Speed Traffic Door: JetRoll by Overhead Door Corporation
4. Horizontal Bi-Fold Door: Wilson Doors, Inc