The master concept is “Circulation of Life”
The name “Celestial Stellaris Villa” is an architectural expression of “Little Earth” another name for Yakushima Island. The name “Celestial Stellaris Villa” is a word coined from the word “life” and the architecture that expresses a small global cycle. The design of the villa is based on “water,” which is the source of life, and “streamlines” and “spirals,” which remind us of circulation. The villa is also decorated with many organic materials that remind us of the breath of life, The relationship between the people who spend time there and nature is made more intimate and clearer. The balance between the volume created by the circular structure and the gaps created by the wood louvers encourages integration with nature, creating a deeper sense of oneness with the forest.

“Hanging garden in harmony with the curves of nature and architecture”
The circular site, the forest, and the slightly curved horizontal line.
The overall space composed only of curves creates a harmonious and stable atmosphere. The two layers of glass, arranged to create an unobstructed view, create a futuristic impression while at the same time serving the purpose of harmonizing with the endless nature.

The two-story villa is in the center of the site, across a spiral-shaped floating corridor from the site. It is a space that combines both a sense of stately grandeur and a sense of openness. “A bedroom wrapped in a large tree” This bedroom expresses “the experience of sleeping in a tree. The space is purposely made compact so that you can feel more secure being wrapped in a tree, but the extended roof toward the outside brings an expansive feeling of space. The random cutting of the woody parts gives a sense of the breath of the trees.

“Integration of living space and nature”
The wide interior spaces with stones and streamlined sauna like veins in the earth make you feel as if you are under the ground, while the large openings to the outside allow you to experience the expanse of the sky. This is a vast living space that attempts to integrate the living space with nature by expressing the continuity of the underground, ground, and air in a horizontal direction. The space with a sauna can be partitioned off with embedded curtains, allowing the user to freely enjoy both liberation and closure.

The villa is impressive with its large opening toward the sea.
The space allows natural light to reach every corner of the room, and the movable louvers and sliding glass doors allow various ways of dividing the space.
A villa with the concept of water surrounding the living space.
The open space invites a pleasant breeze.
“The master bedroom is surrounded by a large tree"
The master bedroom is not a conceptual space, but rather an attempt to integrate with a large tree.
The bedroom is considered not only as a place of rest, but also as a space for meditation, and is given a privileged place because of its importance.
The tree provides comfort and warmth to the space, while the sea that extends outside brings a sense of quiet rebirth.
“Dining in harmony with the sea”
The water brings a sense of peacefulness to the space and elevates the time spent dining at the villa to a more special time.

The theme of this space is “water circulation,” which is the starting point of the cycle of life on Yakushima Island.
The water basin in the center of the space represents the ocean, which is both the beginning and the end of the water cycle.
The water running down the double spiral staircase evokes the circulation of life