Dachshund House represented a copernican revolution for our clients as they sought to establish a sustainable, cost efficient, adaptable and joyful family home within a sea of brick and tile semi-rural suburbia. A deep discussion about what makes a house sustainable (and an early neighbouring precedent otherwise) has generated a locally-unique suburban courtyard form that reflects our client's values and provides a seasonally adaptive cradle for their growing family.
The programme of the house twists around a Coral Bark Maple (Acer Palmatum Sango-kaku) and fountained pond providing a private, cool, shaded focal point within the semi-arid suburban landscape. Every habitable space is oriented to north with generous eaves to manage light and heat. An introduced topography defines heirachy of external space. A muted material palette of greys, browns and greens evokes remnant eucalyptus forests and the burgeoning native garden surrounding the home and repairing the degraded ecology of the site.