By order of the Municipility of Heusden OeverZaaijer has made the urban development plan for Drunen Dillenburg. In this plan the development concept is specified for the 30 hectare area around the Prins Hendrikstraat and the Dillenburgstraat, on the outskirts of Drunen.
The Dillenburg area is bordered by the Prins Hendrikstraat, Lipsstraat, Hogeweg and the Dillenburgstraat. The urban development plan includes among other things: the extension of the d'Oultemont College, the realization of a Multifunctional Accommodation(MFA), including a new sports centre, the realization of small scale offices and business accommodations, development of social services and finally the Dillenburg location must provide for part of the municipal dwellings.
- dwellings: about 110-130 (terrace houses, semi-detached houses and detached houses). - business accommodation zone: lots from 700m2 to 2.500m2. - Multifunctional Accommodation: 7.000-8.000m2 (MFA: sport, school, youth and welfare). - health centre: about 4.000-6.000m2. - parking for various programmes. - parking zone.