The party hall is positioned west of cultural centre De Warande and Warandep’Ant. It is for the main part located beneath ground level. It is connected to the existing cultural centre by way of a chill out room. The terrace between De Warande and Warandep’Ant is extended. Organising this program at basement level meant the plaza that is created aboveground could become a part of the development of the park surrounding the cultural centre. The continuity within the park is not compromised at all. The impact of the music from the subterranean party hall is minimised.
The entrance is located beneath an overhang, in a raised zone near the plaza. Visitors reach the party hall level by way of an intermediate level. Unambiguous orientation is always guaranteed by means of several viewing holes and perspectives on the party hall, the foyer and the exterior. Daylight reaches even the lowest level by way of voids, patios and the well-considered positioning of windows. The party hall and chill out room can be reached from the foyer. The patio in the subterranean volume has the effect of making the whole level perfectly legible. It ensures that daylight reaches the chill out room and the party hall. The roof light in the hall increases opportunities to allow differentiated uses of the hall.