Together with its Artemis Real Estate Group, the locally based Franke Group is creating a new district according to the principles of the 2000-Watt Society and which has become exemplary on all levels for sustainable development. To this end, a competition was initially launched in 2014 that entailed five building plots and had the aim of identifying different architectures and architects for the respective parcels. Invited for the competition, Luca Selva Architects chose Parcel A and successfully met the client’s pre-specifications.

The core of the project is a compact floor plan that is based on the principle of cellular compartment units and cultivates the depth of the layout efficiently and spaciously. The project was further developed in a broader sense according to the requirements of the 2000-Watt Society. Based on these background considerations, a characteristic timber construction was created with regionally typical constructive wood protection elements, which are like a roof overhang protruding at each story level, structuring the building horizontally and respectively protecting the red glazed cladding.