Being implanted up to the plot boudaries and limited on a first floor level, we were able to clear and transform the central part into a large, airy and protected yard. The constructions on stilts form wide covered playgrounds forming real exterior volumes. The student residence is taking place above, expressed in a high leveled volume as to create a distinct identity.

Even though stacked, the residence and the school complex remain two perfectly independant entities as to their treatment and functioning. The accesses are clearly differentiated and the housing facades do not overhang directly the exterior school spaces.The three school entities, the nursery school, the primary school and the leisure center, are accessible from the entrance esplanade via a common hall. The transparency of the reception zone creates a visual opening in continuity with the parc nearby.

All classrooms and the majority of the activity rooms are situated on the first floor. This simple one-level ring organization facilitates the interconnection between the different parts of the school complex. The intermediary classes and the leisure center are d directly linked with the the rooms of both of the schools. The aim is to facilitate the transfer possilibity within, respecting however the functional independance of the different entities.