The house for a family of 4 people is builtat the end of the cliff. The slab has a section that comes out from the base buried below the reposeangle of the retaining wall, in order to maximize the wonderful view overlooking the basin from theroom, and the space where the two daughters can run around the outdoors. Wereferenced somemodernistic expressions to the interior and exterior, such ashorizontal windows, slopes, white wallsand pastel colors from the request of the couplereturning from France.
The whole spaces is wrappedin silver steel plate like a ribbon in order to suggest its unique feature "three-dimensionalcirculation". In response to the wish to let his daughters live in this house for a long time, the planconsists of a lodging-like structure. Their private toilet and closet are set up between the two child'srooms, and daughters can come and go to the entrance without going through the living room.