Our project is a mixed use bulding in which is comprised of a retail rug gallery store in the front and a 3 story residence in the back of it. The building is facing La Cienega Blvd. which is a majory Arterial Road running north-south in West Hollywood. This prject initially started with the owner disliking the original building of the Rug Gallery in which was a very small building with a gable roof that made it look like a single family residence. He wanted a larger building where he could display his rugs so they could be seen from the street. Since most of the rugs in his gallery are modern rugs, we decided a take a more modern/contemporary approach in the design of the remodel of the building. Once construction for the front rug gallery started and the main structure was built, the owner decided that he also wanted to reside in the same building and therefore we went ahead and designed a whole contemporary styled mixed use building. The following photos are 3-D Renderings of the proposed building.
Material Used:
1. On the store's front Facade and also the upper front facade of the residential unit on the 3rd Floor we are using ACM (Aluminum Composite Materials) Panels.
2. On the side of the building, Ribbed PBD Wall Panles will be used Vertically.