Lunar pop-up store

Lunar pop-up store

Lunar pop-up store is a modular system design for a pop-up store that hosts products for daily life on the Moon it is commissioned by a private European art institution. Being Shanghai its first location, the store is expected to pop-up in Rotterdam, Barcelona, Tokyo & New York in the coming future. This 114 cubic meter fractal ephemeral construction is the result of a 3dimensional aggregation of 20 modules of 5,7m3. Each module will contain a different product topic and the final aggregation system will be adjusted accordingly to each final location. The piece wants to put into a question the standard image of space constructions, the piece is now understood through its very sharp geometry and through the contrast of a shiny black exterior and a soft yellow interior. The lack of any Cartesian reference forces the visitor to move through its interior in a very specific manner, triggering human behaviors that better fit 0-gravity.

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Project data

n/a, China
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