Metro de Madrid HQ Transport Complex

Metro de Madrid HQ Transport Complex
©Fernando Alda


● The CIT, a Transport Campus: The Metro de Madrid Headquarters Complex (Centro Integral de Transporte_CIT) is an initiative of Metro de Madrid to build a Transport Campus in the former workshops of the infrastructure enclave of Avenida de Asturias, Plaza Castilla (Madrid). The project has a double goal, on one side the urban regeneration of the obsolete industrial site within the neighbourhood, and on the other, the centralization of all the offices and services of Metro de Madrid company. The HQ will be one of the main components of the campus, that also includes a Technological Center, a Transport Center and exhibition spaces. All the buildings will follow nZEB standard. The architecture team Jardin 1 won the first prize in the two stage competition in 2016, between more than 60 entries.

photo_credit ©Jardín1–Gutiérrez-delaFuente

● An institutional urban acropolis: an institutional campus is proposed, instead of an unitary big building, to articulate the pedestrian flows, the urban and visual permeability and the relation between nature and city: a new urban acropolis. A clear urban structure is created to clarify the space of the street and the interior park. A new habitat for humans and non-humans, for the employees, the neighbours and the visitors.

photo_credit ©Jardín1–Gutiérrez-delaFuente

● A heritage for the future: the artificial existing topography, one of the identities of the place, the metro landscape, and the industrial heritage are integrated in the narrative of the proposal from a contemporary archeology point of view. A collection of metal structures and Metro elements are displayed in the central garden to create an interior shared space, including a former ballast depot or the metro rails: a hybrid landscape.

photo_credit ©Jardín1–Gutiérrez-delaFuente
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